leave management
for the21st century business

Manage a regional presence effortlessly with integrated leave and time-off module built right into your HRIS

What's different?

manage regional talentautomatically

On a single system automatically assign the right leaves to each individual employee based on where they work, and their local labour laws.

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Local Public Holidays

Each country, state and district has a different set of public holidays every year. Either follow HQs holiday set, or automatically assign each regions holidays to those employees and let the wider team know they'll be observing the local holiday.

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Local Statutory Leave Policies

Labour laws in each country dictate the minimum number of days of Annual Leave, Maternity, Paternity, Study, Sick Leave, Hospitalisation etc, and this changes from time to time. Let Maju manage this for you.

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Flexible Group Policies

While you have a growing regional presence, you still need group level policies to bring it all together. Flexibly issue group policies for leave while remaining compliant to each countries local labour laws. Approve leaves from across borders seamlessly.

Say bye to chasing for approvals

Take the admin out of leave management

Easy apply in <10 seconds, with no apps

Omnichannel access means you can easily apply for leaves from directly within your chat-app of choice!

Review and approve requests, on the fly

Get approvals right in your preferred chat apps, review the details and respond without ever logging in, opening an app.

Off-in-lieu managed

Manage off in lieu while tracking exactly which days are taken off, for which days of overtime worked.


Advanced reporting of leaves

Study and prepare for leaves, ensure you aren't understaffed for any project, and export detailed leave reports.

Leave Analytics and Reports

View past and project future leaves with an in-built time travel feature for leave encashment, run reports and study leave trends across the company

Deeply Integrated into Payroll and Attendance

Import unpaid leaves, prorate pay, and layer leaves for each employee over their attendance to ensure a full picture of days and hours worked in the payroll and attendance modules.

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Questions And Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

Common leave management questions. If you don't find your answer here simply get in touch!

1. Can I manage carryover leaves?

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Yes! Unused leaves can be set to carryover with a cap on the leaves carried over, and an expiry on those leaves. This can be triggered either every Financial Year, on a particular date, or by Calendar Year.

2. Can I assign multiple aprovers for certian scenarios?

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Yes! You can configure multiple approvers and backup approvers as well. Additionally leave admins can approve on behalf of managers in case they aren't able to. Admins can also create leaves on behalf of employees in case situations bar them from applying themselves.

3. Can I manage leave accrual?

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Yes! Leaves can be accrued either on a Linear basis over time, or on a Milestone basis (i.e. based on number of months and years of service with the company) and these auto-accrue to the employee's as they reach the milestones.

4. Can I track my personal leave balance? What about my direct reports' Balances?

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Yes! You can track your personal leave balance, and go a step further, managers can see the leave balances of employee's the report directly to them to help them plan leaves and time off for their team!
Approval notifications also include the leave balance at the point of application.