Frequently Asked Questions


1. Can I create custom payitems?

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Yes, you can create as many custom payitems as needed, and we'll help you map the fields

2. Can I run multiple payruns?

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Yes! Maju Payroll aligns with your payroll preferences—whether that's weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, or all of these options together! Seamlessly integrate unlimited payroll cycles with a single payroll system for the utmost in convenience and clarity.

3. Is Maju Payroll integrated to my modules?

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Payroll integrates deeply with every module on Maju. Attendance, Leaves, Claims, Employee database, Analytics, Scheduling, etc.

4. Does maju create all statutory forms in 🇸🇬 SG?

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Yes, Maju is an approved payroll vendor by IRAS for submission employee income through AIS (IR8A, A8A, A8B, IR8S + IR21 with outsourcing), and creates E-CPF file, for payment of CPF, SHG and SDL. This is all presented as per MOMs requirements in an Itemised payslip, and accessible by employees anytime.

5. Can I integrate to my accounting software?

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Maju integrates with Xero via API. Additionally we generate CSV files for upload into other accounting softwares like Quickbooks, and build custom integrations in special cases.


1. Can i create multiple claim categories?

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Yes, you can create unlimited claim categories. You can also assign claim categories to appear for only some employees or groups of employees - e.g. Petrol expenses only for transport department.

2. Can I map each claim category to a different/same cost centre?

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Yes! Each claim category can be tagged to a different cost center. This in turn can then be mapped to a specific or multiple different chart of accounts.

3. Can I monitor employee spend?

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Yes, you can track employee spend both on the claims module, or by looking at the analytics module.  

4. Can this replace my Xero claims?

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Yes, The most common system we consolidate from is softwares such as Xero Claims, Expensify, etc. If you're using the corporate card feature on spend management tools, you may want to hang onto those for now as we’ve got a nifty spend card update coming soon ;)

5. How is this better then my current claims system

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Integrating claims with your payroll means no more juggling multiple apps—for you or your employees. Everything’s managed in one seamless system, no apps needed.

6. Can I assign multiple Approvers for Certain scenarios?

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Yes! You can configure multiple approvers and backup approvers for claims. Additionally, claims admins can approve on behalf of managers if they’re unavailable. Admins can also submit claims on behalf of employees when needed.

7. Can employees track their reimburesement status?

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Yes! Employees can easily track their reimbursement status—from Draft and Pending Approval to Multiple Approval Stages, Approved, and Reimbursed.


1. Can I manage carryover leaves?

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Yes! Unused leaves can be set to carryover with a cap on the leaves carried over, and an expiry on those leaves.

2. Can I manage leave accrual?

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Yes! Leaves can be accrued either on a Linear basis over time, or on a Milestone basis (i.e. based on number of months and years of service with the company) and these auto-accrue to the employee's as they reach the milestones.

3. Can I track my personal leave balance? What about my direct reports' Balances?

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Yes! You can track your personal leave balance, and managers can view the leave balances of employees who report directly to them to help plan team time off. However, approval notifications do not include the leave balance at the point of application.


1. Does it only work through WhatsApp/Telegram and chat apps?

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No, Maju is at it's core, a full fledged desktop and mobile-based web application. The WhatsApp/Telegram are simply additional, easier ways to access the system.

2. Does it support Geolocation and Face scanning?

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Yes! Geolocation and Gefencing (only able to login from X metres around a particular location) and Selfie Snapshot, as well as Facial detection are all included options.

3. My staff move around. Can I configure some groups to capture location, but not restrict them to only clock in from certain locations?

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You can set up multiple workgroups and set different policies for each group. For example, all have to capture location during clock-in/out, but only a few are restricted to a certain location.

4. Can it capture OT and standard working hours?

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Yes! For fixed schedule employees, the reports overlay their expected working hours for the day over their actual working hours to quickly identify how many hours are standard, and how many OT.

5. Do I get a lateness report?

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Yes! You can either configure a lateness threshold for late clock-in and earlly clock-out, or a minimum number of hours to be worked daily. These are then flagged out in a report.

6. Is it integrated to Leave calendar, payroll, scheduling etc?

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Yes! The Attendance module is deeply integrated with every other Maju Module. You'll find off-in-lieu's appear on the shared leave calendars, auto-import of hours into payroll and so much more!

Employee Database Questions

1. Can employees view their own past payslips?

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Yes! Employee's can view all their past payslips as soon as they're published. This is also sent to their email, password protected for additional privacy.

2. Can employees edit their own information?

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By default employees can only edit certain information, while some fields are better managed by the admin like bank information etc that might be keyed in wrongly.

3. Can past employees still log into the system?

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Yes! Past employee's can access the system for as long as your internal policies determine, however all they'll be able to see is their past payslips and will lose all access to other parts of the platform after their last working day.

4. Can I export data from the report?

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You can build and export a report of any data collected on the HRIS at any point of time. Most tables in Maju include the option to add in more fields and export directly from the filtered view you're looking at.