Consolidated global Employee database

For the first time for growing businesses enjoy a truly consolidated employee database purposefully built to house your employee's across the region.
A true single source of truth for past and present employee data.

Consolidate your regional workforce

Manage Global Workforce seamlessly

Store all employee information across your entities, in one single instance.

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Multiple Geographies

Each Geography has specific local norms for information collected.

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Complex Legal Entities

Multiple Entities in the same country? Subsidiaries/sister companies? Entities across regions? Easily assigned in a single view.

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Countless Compliance Laws

Store relevant information for each branch's local statutory requirements. And don't spend hours figuring out what you need for each person, Maju intuitively guides you around regional compliance.

Automated Organigram mapping

Get a lay of the land

Never build another org chart. Maju's got your covered. Automatically mapped out for you, whether it's to help the new joiners meet their peers, or helping management plan their next restructuring.

Black Check
Prepare for a dynamic workforce

Model, visualiase, and set up complex systems; develop flexible reporting frameworks, operational divisions, and role hierarchies, and easily reassign staff for dynamic reporting lines.

Black Check
Find reporting lines

A living breathing org map means employee's can easily locate and contact each, bypassing the need to navigate through multiple intermediaries to get the information they need.

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Amazing Features

And so much more!

Lorem Ipsum is simply of the printing and typesetting industry.the industry's standard dummy text ever unknown printer.

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LinkedIn Integration

Pull employee's LinkedIn profile directly into your HRIS for advanced skills mapping, language, certificates, and records

Keep everything organisaed and secure

Nearly organised shared or hidden employee file storage.

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Hidden Employee Directory

The first HRIS and payroll to natively support payroll-only profiles that need to work under 2 entities but don't need access to 2 different Maju accounts

Employees see what they need to see

Completely configurable access control down to the individual module level, per admin, and non-admin access control privileges.

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Questions And Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

Store all employee info, wherever they are, whatever your working relationship.

1. Can employees view their own past payslips?

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Yes! Employee's can view all their past payslips as soon as they're published. This is also sent to their email, password protected for additional privacy.

2. Can employees edit their own information?

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By default employees can only edit certain information, while some fields are better managed by the admin like bank information etc that might be keyed in wrongly. However you can configure this freely as needed.

3. Can past employees still log into the system?

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Yes! Past employee's can access the system for as long as your internal policies determine, however all they'll be able to see is their past payslips and will lose all access to other parts of the platform after their last working day.

4. Can I export data from the report?

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You can build and export a report of any data collected on the HRIS at any point of time. Most tables in Maju include the option to add in more fields and export directly from the filtered view you're looking at.