Submit expenses on the go, without an app

Take a photo of receipts, managers approve on the go, tracked on your phone, and paid out via salary. All without every opening an app or logging in.


leave currency woes behind

Travel with ease and don't worry about per-diems, exhibition expenses, or any of the admin that comes with it. Focus on business, leave the rest to us.

Black Check
Auto-conversion of currency

System detects currency mismatch, and automatically uses the transaction days rate, to convert claim amount to that employee's salary payout currency

Black Check
Bank-Statement currency match

If you prefer to include the currency charges borne by the employee you can attach multiple files (include screenshot of bank statement) to your claim for complete accounting

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Approval lines

As simple

Dynamic, simplified approval lines following your org chart.

Black Check

Auto-Assign Direct Managers with default policies

Black Check

Auto-Assigned Head of Department approval policies


or as comprehensive as you need it

Unlimited approval tiers, full control over claim types, amounts, custom routing and automated dynamic mapping to org chart & shadow approval lines.

Black Check

Multi-level approval

Black Check

Shared approval levels

Black Check

Claim amount dependant dynamic routing of approvals

Black Check

Routed based on claim category

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Payroll & Accounting software integrations

take the admin out of claims. Integrated right into accounting and payroll.

Leave your manual claims submissions, and free up your accounting team for chasing for cut-off dates, approvals, signatures, and certainly stop paying for that unncessesary stand-alone expenses software. Maju's built in claims manager takes care of all of it for you.

Directly into your payrun

Payout every claim either on-cycle with the salaries, or settle them off-cycle, or even multiple times a month. As simple as a single click, and we take care of the compliance and audit trail.

Push every bill right into Xero and Quickbooks

Don't lose any details when you push items into your Xero and Quickbooks accounting systems. Enjoy the deepest Cost Center and Chart of Accounts mapping on the market.

questions and answers

Frequently Asked Questions

Typically asked questions when it comes to Expenses.
If you have more, get in touch!

1. Can i create multiple claim categories?

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Yes, you can create unlimited claim categories. What more? You can assign claim categories to appear for only some employees or groups of employees - e.g. Petrol expenses only for transport department.

2. Can I map each claim category to a different/same cost centre?

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Yes! Each claim category can be tagged to a different cost center. This in turn can then be mapped to a specific or multiple different chart of accounts.

3. Can I monitor employee spend?

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Yes, you can track employee spend both on the claims module, or by looking at the analytics module.  

4. Can this replace my Xero claims?

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Yes, The most common system we consolidate from is softwares such as Xero Claims, Expensify, etc.
If you're using the corporate card feature on spend management tools, you may want to hang onto those for now.

5. How is this better then my current claims system

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Bringing claims directly into the software that manages your payroll means you don't have to worry about
It also means your employee's don't need to juggle multiple apps.. or any apps in this case.

6. Can employees track their reimburesement status?

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Yes! Employee's can track reimbursement status right from Draft, Pending Approval, the Different levels of Approval pending, Approved, and even reimbursed.