Attendance, without any Apps

Even for the the employee's that aren't that Tech-savvy.
Forget Login issues, onboarding issues, usage and adoption issues. Through a proprietary Omnichannel access

How it works

Take the Admin out of attendance

Manager-Approved Attendance Records

Users request, and managers approve. Admins don't need to be involved in any of this.

Off-in-Lieu Automatically managed

Lower Overtime hours by managing Off In Lieu seamlessly. Employee's apply, manager's approve, and admins only get involved to import records into Payroll.

$0 hardware investment, comfortable even for the non-tech Savvy

No more complaints about employee's not being able to login to their accounts.

View live admin updates:Who is working and when

Take one quick look to know whether your branches or outlets are overstaffed at the wrong times.
Know exactly who is in which branch, when they logged on and off, and reward good performance!

Amazing Features

Powerful admin dashboard

Track anything happening in your company live. Get notifications and approvals on the go, and make admin-edits to anything on the system easily!

Black Check
Autofill OverTime hours

Printing and typesetting industry. the industry's standard dummy text ever when an unknown printer.

Black Check
Account for Public Holidays, Leaves, Rest Days, Off Days, etc

For fixed schedule employee's the attendance module shows admins which dates is that employee's Off Days, Rest Days, Public Holidays, Approved Leaves, Public Holidays, Weekends and much more for accurate OT payments.

Black Check
Project real time cost

Run a draft payrun anytime to know the current cost of all employees who've worked for the month. Adjust future schedules to make sure you're on-budget

Black Check
Analyse attendance records

Study on-platform through the completely configurable analytics module, or export a report of any data from the platform on demand.

Our Working Process

As Simple Or as configurable as you need.

Meet all use cases on a single platform. No more timesheets, chasing for approvals on Overtime, employee disagreements on hours worked.
Set different policies for each group of employees.

questions and answers

Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions we get, and yes, you can see it all in action. To see a live demo, simply click on any of the Learn more buttons on this page.

1. Does it only work through WhatsApp/Telegram and chat apps?

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No, Maju is at it's core, a full fledged desktop and mobile-based web application. The WhatsApp/Telegram are simply additional, easier ways to access the system.

2. Does it support Geolocation and Face scanning?

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Yes! Geolocation and Gefencing (only able to login from X metres around a particular location) and Selfie Snapshot, as well as Facial detection are all included options.

3. My staff move around. Can I configure some groups to capture location, but not restrict them to only clock in from certain locations?

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You can set up multiple workgroups and set different policies for each group. For example, all have to capture location during clock-in/out, but only a few are restricted to a certain location.

4. Can it capture OT and standard working hours?

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Yes! For fixed schedule employees, the reports overlay their expected working hours for the day over their actual working hours to quickly identify how many hours are standard, and how many OT.

5. Do I get a lateness report?

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Yes! You can either configure a lateness threshold for late clock-in and earlly clock-out, or a minimum number of hours to be worked daily. These are then flagged out in a report.

6. Is it integrated to Leave calendar, payroll, scheduling etc?

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Yes! The Attendance module is deeply integrated with every other Maju Module. You'll find off-in-lieu's appear on the shared leave calendars, auto-import of hours into payroll and so much more!